COMMON GROUND – a Public Space Game

Info in English

– Summary
– How To Apply
– Rules
– Frequently asked questions

Common Ground – A Public Space Game will take place in Rauma at Kalliokatu 28–30. The site will be converted collectively into a public park during 2019 and 2020. The plans are made and the ideas are realized within 6 phases by 36 Rauma residents, who represent the age distribution* of the city. The process is game like, including 6 game moves. The participants are called players. The game starts with individual park visions of the 36 players, and moves towards more collective approaches. See the game rules (below) for details.

* Rauma population on 31 Dec.2017: 39 620 No. of players: 36
Age group up to 9 years of age, total: 3 863 No. of players: 4
Age group 10–19 years of age, total: 4 027 No. of players: 4
Age group 20–29 years of age, total: 4 520 No. of players: 4
Age group 30–39 years of age, total: 4 716 No. of players: 4
Age group 40–49 years of age, total: 4 609 No. of players: 4
Age group 50–59 years of age, total: 5 324 No. of players: 5
Age group 60–69 years of age, total: 5 795 No. of players: 5
Age group 70–79 years of age, total: 4 161 No. of players: 4
Age group 80–89 years of age, total: 2 156 No. of players: 2
Age group 90 years of age or more, total: 449

If you live in Rauma and you are interested in taking part, please apply through the apply -button on the front page of keskustelupuisto.fi, or write email to keskustelupuisto@lonnstrominmuseot.fi – we´d like to know your name, your age and your thoughts why you´d like to take part.


The goal of the game is to create a public park at the game area in 6 phases called game moves.

The game area is located at Kalliokatu 28-30 in Rauma.

The game starts in Spring 2019 and ends in Autumn 2020.

In autumn 2018 the game moderators will help the players to create their personal vision for the park. In spring 2019 the game area will be divided into 36 plots of equal size and players will be assigned their plot by lottery. Players are welcome to swap their plots.

The 36 players should live in Rauma and represent the different age groups of the municipality. The selection of the players is made by the game moderators in October 2018.

The game moderators are the creators of the game, artists Tellervo Kalleinen and Oliver Kochta-Kalleinen.

Each of the 6 game moves consists of (i) a meeting of all players, (ii) the subsequent changes made to the park by the player and (iii) a short report by the player to be published on the game website.

Each player receives 200 EUR per game move if the previous game move was completed. The game money has to be invested into the game area. Exceptionally for the last game move players jointly receive 14.000 EUR in total only if they have consent on how to invest the money in the game area. Consent means absence of strong disagreement.

At the start of each game move players convene at a players meeting. In this meeting players can negotiate to join their plots, game money and ideas. Players will receive their game money and they can amend the rules of the game.

If a player don’t complete a game move between two consecutive player meetings, he or she can no longer take part to the game. In this case the other players can decide how to resolve the situation.

Players agree to join for the full duration of the game. If however a life situation makes continuing of the game impossible, the other players can decide how to resolve the situation.

The game rules on this page cannot be changed. However in each of the players meeting new rules can be suggested. Those additional rules can be changed.

The game ends when the 6th game move is completed. The end of the game will be celebrated with an opening party of the park.


How can I take part?
Anyone living in Rauma can apply by filling the application form until September 30, 2018. The selection of players is made in October 2018.

How are players selected?
The 36 chosen players should represent the age structure of Rauma. The additional information given in the application form might influence the decision as well.

How much time this will take me?
It unfortunately takes quite a bit if time to turn a piece of land into a public park. This includes creating ideas, negotiating with others and the actual work of making the park. We hope this won’t scare you off, it will be fun!

If I take part, what all do I have to do?
Participants commit to following activities:
(a) to a video interview at Lönnström museum´s gallery (Lönnströmin museoiden galleria) (autumn 2018)
(b) to create an individual park design (autumn 2018)
(c) to participate in 6 game meetings during 2019-2020
(d) to regularly work on the park during May to September in 2019 and in 2020
(e) to write a blog post about the concrete actions undertaken on site at the end of each move

I don’t know how to make a blog entry to the website.
No worries, we will teach you how to make a blog entry, it is easy. We also can create it for you if you provide us with text and images.

Can we apply as a group?
Only individual players can apply. If you are a group of people you can submit each an individual application. Another option is that your group designates one player that acts on behalf of your group. The group functions than as a support group that helps with the concrete actions, but only the designated player can take part to the collective decision making process of the 36 selected players.

Do I need to have already an individual plan for the park before the game starts?
You don’t need to have such a plan. When you are selected to the project you will have enough time to think about your own ideal park. In autumn 2018 we will meet with you in person and help you developing your ideas for the park.

What if my life situation changes and I have to stop the game?
You are strongly encouraged to stay on board for the whole process. In the case a player however can’t continue, the remaining players will decide how to resolve the situation.

What skills do I need in order to participate?
No special skills are required. Nevertheless, if you have any specific expertise, interest areas or skills, we are curious to hear about them, as we are searching for a wide range of participants. Please tell about yourself in the application form!

How can my friends and family follow the game if they don´t live in Rauma?
The keskustelupuisto.fi website will portrait all the players. The website will also have a blog that is written by the players about their activities and plans. We will install a time lapse camera on site which will document the changes of the area.

How can I win this game?
There are no winners or losers in this game.

Why it is then called a game?
Because the process is game-like.

What are the rules of the game?
The fixed game rules are published on this website. see here: LINK Those rules cannot be changed. However in each of the players meetings additional rules can be suggested.

Can I do anything with the money, which I receive for each game move?
The money can be spent for any action that visibly alters your piece of land in Keskustelupuisto. Limitations in regards to the law and public safety apply. The player needs to keep receipts for purchases and hand them in the next game meeting.

How do the players decide if there are different visions for the park?
In the six game meetings the game moderators will facilitate the discussion between the players. After each game meeting the players have always an option to either continue individually on their own plot, or to combine ideas, plots and money with some other players.

What happens with the park when the game ends in 2020?
We have a permission for the area (maankäyttölupa) until 2022.

When are the game meetings?
Saturday April 27, 2019 is the first game meeting. The 36 plots are assigned to players by lottery and players will receive their first 200 EUR game money. The following game meetings take place on June 8 and August 17. The dates of the game meetings in 2020 will be decided later.