Tervetuloa avajaisiin 12.9. klo 14-18! Tuntuu uskomattomalta olla tilanteessa, jossa puiston avajaiset ovat jo ovella! Pelaajat ovat tehneet aivan valtavan urakan niin keskustelun kuin fyysisen työnkin suhteen. Puisto on muuntunut aivan upeaksi, ja toivomme että kaupunkilaiset ottavat sen aktiiviseen käyttöön. Hatunnosto pelaajille, jotka pysyivät haastavan pelin loppuun saakka – heitä on jopa 21!  Nyt odottelemme painotalosta juliste-flaijereita, joka näyttää tältä! /// Welcome to the opening of the park 12 September 2-6pm! Can´t believe we are so far. This has been a three year dive into the depths of negotiation, inclusion, clashes between ideas and reality – and tensions between individual desires and a big picture. This has been also a journey to the questions of how we can be wiser as a group, and what role do structures of decision making play in it. Finally, we are talking about a concrete park here, so the project is of course also touching important questions of public space and urban planning. Whether you can make it to the opening or not, do send warm thoughts for the 21 residents of Rauma, aged 7-90, who stuck with us to the end and made this park with their own hands, as a result of huge amount of dialogue.